Kansas City Anniversary Photography | Ti + James

They met in physics class, and though Ti had only physics on her mind - and nothing more, especially not a guy... James had physics, the military, AND Ti on his mind. Ti tried to ignore him, but fate just wouldn't allow it - in the form of physics homework, these two started talking more outside of class. In hardly no time at all, a solid friendship was formed, and soon after, James asked Ti if she would let him take her out on a proper date. 

That first date was the beginning of something really, really special. Something that would stand the tests of time, and the sting of distance as James left for basic training, and eventually - multiple deployments. 

During all that time of them being together, and then apart, and then together again - their love deepened, and a proposal followed. Then, last August - these two became husband + wife. 

I'm so glad to have met these guys, and gotten to know their story! We got together, along with Ti's precious parents who were in the States recently for some anniversary type photos of them, and it was wonderful! The love these two share is so evident, and so heartwarming to be around :) 

Ti & James - it is without a doubt that you two are going to go through life together as strong as strong can be, and always be so happy! Thank you for letting me follow along briefly in this beginning chapter of your lives together! xoxo

