A Kansas Wedding at Deer Creek Golf Club // Abby + Emily

Two dresses, two ladies, two hearts....and one love. They say opposites attract, and while Abby likes diamonds and pearls, sparkles and all things pretty...Emily prefers bicycles, dumbbells, running shoes and all things rugged. Their morals though, what they want the most out of this one life...all those things that really, really matter, that is the area....that is the space in between where these two couldn't possibly be more alike.

And so it was that after all the planning, all the days leading up to this sunny day in early October, these two would marry one another. Their friends + families surrounding them, lifting them up in encouragement and support, and most of all, love - Emily walked down on the arm of her Dad, his hand holding onto hers. Abby walked down in a beautiful act of solo, and that right there seemed to be the moment that all time stood still. 

Emily's precious Aunt Dorothy covered the officiating, in all the poetic and beautiful ways possible she helped them recite their vows, their promises. And then Aunt Dorothy ended their ceremony in the most perfect way - by reminding Abby and Emily that in life together, always, always choose....to dance. And so, they did - the entire way back down that aisle! 

This day was SO special to be a part of, one for the record books! Congratulations to Abby + Emily!!